UK Building Assessments

Commercial EPC Ancaster

Unleash the Power of Energy Efficiency with Our Commercial EPC AncasterAssessor Services

Tel: 07867 960 711

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Our Mission: Energy Excellence

Welcome to UK Building Assessments, where we are on a mission to revolutionize energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) assessors that are dedicated to ensuring your property meets the highest standards of energy efficiency.

Don't let energy wastage drain your profits. Join us in the quest for a greener and more cost-effective future!

Typical Types of Commercial Buildings

Retail Outlets
Large and Small
Commercial and Industrial
Hotels and Guest Houses
Sustainability Specialist

Get Your EPC Certificate Now!

Unlock the Energy Efficiency of Your Building Today

Energy Efficiency Revolution

Join the revolution in energy efficiency with our cutting-edge Commercial EPC service. We specialize in producing energy performance certificates for local buildings, ensuring you meet the required standards.

Don't let your property fall behind! A Commercial Energy Performance Certificate is essential if you plan to lease or sell your building. Stay ahead of the game and showcase your commitment to sustainability.

From 2028, the energy landscape is changing. Landlords, brace yourselves! The minimum EPC rating will rise to C, then swiftly to B by 2030. Avoid hefty fines by ensuring your property meets these standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

An EPC is your building's energy passport, showcasing its efficiency and compliance with regulations. Don't get left in the energy dark ages!

Our certified Non-Domestic Energy Assessors, experts in their field, will evaluate your property's energy performance with precision and expertise.

Failure to meet the minimum EPC rating standards could lead to eye-watering fines. Don't risk it, ensure your property is compliant with the regulations!

Once your Commercial EPC assessment is complete, the detailed report is securely lodged with the central Landmark register for England & Wales or Scotland.

Ready to boost your building's energy efficiency? Take the first step towards compliance and sustainability by scheduling your Commercial EPC assessment today!

Watch Our Process


Current MEES Rating 


2028 MEES Rating 


Future MEES Rating 

EPC Insights

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2028: New EPC Standards Announced

Commercial Landlords, get ready for the upcoming changes in EPC ratings to avoid hefty fines.

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Energy Efficiency Revolution by 2030

The EPC landscape is evolving towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Certified Assessors at Your Service

Team of expert assessors dedicated to optimizing your building's energy performance.

Lodging Reports Made Easy

A seamless process of lodging your EPC reports with the central Landmark Register.

Quick Certification

Receive your Commercial EPC swiftly to meet regulatory requirements and avoid penalties.

Personalized Recommendations

Benefit from tailored energy-saving suggestions to enhance your building's efficiency and reduce costs.

Comprehensive Assessments

Gain insights into every aspect of your building's energy performance with our detailed assessments.

Get in Touch

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Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm